At the Heart of Aviation and Innovation
The aviation industry has had a stigma of antiquation for a long time. Our roots run deep in aviation with a team that consists of pilots, aircraft owners and aviation enthusiasts. It only makes sense to breed these things with the fast paced world of technology.
Virtual Airplane Broker is a Los Angeles, CA based company dedicated to serving aircraft owners, present and future all over the country. Our goal is to help pilots by giving them a new option when it comes to buying or selling an airplane. We believe the task should not be a chore. It should be quick, easy and an overall pleasurable experience. The services that we have created do exactly that.
The inspiration for Virtual Airplane Broker was a result of the recognition of an industry-wide need. While working for a well known aircraft dealership and observing the challenges that pilots face while trying to buy or sell a plane, the company founders became increasingly disturbed. It seemed like there was no option available that provided a true one on one personal service that helps pilots accomplish their objectives. After a great deal of research and development, a unique concept was born. We provide a customized professional service at an affordable price designed to serve pilots that is unlike anything ever offered.
Our staff has aviation related experience including 25 years of personal aircraft ownership, sales, management, purchasing, brokerage and fractional ownership. Additionally, our team is fully qualified in all areas of technology including web development and software engineering. Recognition of industry problems, inspiration to create a solutions, commitment to helping fellow aviators and the ability to implement twenty-first century technology have come together to give birth to this brand new, one of a kind service.